Did you know you can support Gammu/Wammu on various social networks? You can like it on Facebook, share little bit of money with it using Flattr or just follow it on Identi.ca or Twitter.
This way your experiences can be spread to more users giving Gammu even bigger user base and more appreciation to its authors.
If you don't like these way, there are still other ways to contribute or you can simply directly donate to the authors.
Veröfffentlicht von Michal Čihař, am 6. September 2010
Wammu website now offers also few online tools providing for example PDU encoding and decoding.
All tools are using python-gammu (currently 1.28.90). If you have an idea for other tool which might fit in there, don't hesitate to ask us.
Veröfffentlicht von Michal Čihař, am 27. August 2010
Wammu and Gammu website is now fully translated to German.
Thanks to great effort of several contributors and mostly somebody with nick canin, the German translation of Wammu and Gammu website has been completed. You can view German version of the website at de.wammu.eu.
PS: There are also Czech and Spanish variants of website, but those are far from being complete.
Veröfffentlicht von Michal Čihař, am 28. Mai 2010
Wammu 0.33 has been just released. This release fixes few crashes on phone connect and improves messages in some cases.
Full list of changes:
You can download it from http://wammu.eu/download/.
Veröfffentlicht von Michal Čihař, am 28. April 2010
Wammu 0.32.1 has been just released. This release fixes several bugs found since 0.32 and some even older.
Full list of changes:
You can download it from http://wammu.eu/download/.
Veröfffentlicht von Michal Čihař, am 21. Januar 2010